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Commercial Cleaning

up to 3000 sq ft

3 س
450 دولار أمريكي
clients requested place of service

وصف الخدمة

YeurJazzy Organic Creations offers top-notch commercial cleaning services that are perfect for businesses of any size. Our deep cleaning packages are available for commercial spaces up to 1000 square feet, with the option to extend the service for larger spaces. Our team uses only the best organic cleaning products to ensure a clean and healthy environment for you and your employees. The price for our commercial cleaning service starts at $550.00 for a 1000 square foot space, with additional charges for spaces over 1200 square feet. For guaranteed pricing, please go back to the booking page and schedule a consultation appointment for free. Please have an estimate of square footage. Book your appointment today and experience the difference of a truly clean workspace.

سياسة الإلغاء

To cancel or reschedule please contact us 24 hours in advance. Cancellations made 24 hours in advance does allow you to receive a refund minus a $30.00 booking fee. Cancellations made in less than 24 hours are non refundable; however, you can reschedule a new date and time that is available and convenient for you. Once you reach 2 cancellations it is upon our discretion to allow you to rebook with this agency. We block out the date and time of your booked appointment limiting others to book for that said time. In the event that you do not cancel and we are unable to gain entry (on your said scheduled date) into your property there will be a $40 lockout fee deducted from your balance and a credit will be provided for future bookings. You are only allowed 1 lockout.

تفاصيل جهة الاتصال


بيان المهمة

  • لتقديم خدمة عملاء متميزة يوميًا ، عميل واحد في كل مرة.

  • لاتخاذ قرارات الإنتاج التي تصب في مصلحة عملائنا.

  • للحفاظ على البراعة وتفوق توقعات العملاء.

نحن نعد بتقديم اتصال مفتوح وصادق ومحترم. سوف نظل ملتزمين بتكريم الإرث الذي نبنيه والحفاظ على الرؤية للنظر في كل التفاصيل. سوف نقدم منتجات عالية الجودة وعضوية (طبيعية) بأسعار معقولة على أمل استيعاب العملاء من جميع الأعمار والخلفيات الدينية والعرقية والثقافية. بينما نسعى جاهدين لنكون بائع التجزئة المفضل لديك للعناية بالبشرة ، نتطلع إلى بناء علاقات طويلة الأمد مع كل عميل.

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